wonan serving soup at a soup kitchen

Gatherwell survey campaign

The brief

The survey campaign was Gatherwell’s first major multi-channel campaign, and it needed to deliver some very specific results:

  • Provide Gatherwell with insights into attitudes towards fundraising lotteries.
  • Increase brand awareness and engagement among key target personas.
  • Establish Gatherwell as a leading voice in the non-profit fundraising space.

The approach

In a sector reaching saturation point in terms of sheer information overload, we identified themes that would differentiate our campaign reveal unique market insights. We partnered with the Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CIOF), the UK’s leading non-profit industry body, leveraging their database and brand credibility to expand the reach of our campaign, which unfolded in three distinct phases:

  • Survey: We conducted a survey that explored the current state of fundraising within UK non-profits.
  • Report: The survey results were compiled into a detailed report, providing meaninful insights for non-profit leaders.
  • Webinar: Once the report was finalised, we hosted a webinar to present the key findings.

The results

We received 94 survey responses – just shy of our original goal of 100, and far exceeding the average response for similar campaigns run via the CIOF. This sample size provided a dataset that was reflective of the sector as a whole and enabled accurate and meaningful market insights. Website traffic doubled through the duration of the campaign, largely from new visitors, making the campaign a highly successful tool for brand awareness.

This campaign ultimately contributed to an increase in new business sales revenue of up to 56.35% in Q2 and Q3 of FY24, compared with the previous six months.